Sunday, February 23, 2020

Last Saturday we finished cleaning our apartment and then moved into a missionary apartment.  It's in pretty good shape because missionaries haven't actually lived here yet.  It was for Sister Wilson, But when she went home we took all the nice furniture out and turned it into a missionary apartment.  We are sleeping in twin beds that are ok, but not great.  I have aches and pains because I'm a big baby and like a comfortable bed.  Life for us has changed a lot.  The Harrisons arrived Saturday night and moved into our duplex.  I think they are very happy with it.

Monday we each had a day to train Sister Harrison and Elder Harrison.  Then the Nelsons arrived and  Tuesday we were each training two people.  I don't know everything the secretary does, but I trained her what I could.  Then she has spent some time on the phone with our former secretary, Sister Dodds.  President is also doing some training with her.  We have both been working hard this week with our new trainees.  It's a new kind of stressful, but it's going really well.

 I've had an unusual number of houses to close and to open.  I've been trying so hard to get them done so Sister Nelson wouldn't have to deal with them.  I've worked and I've prayed but the landlords just couldn't get their stuff done.  One day when I was working with Sister Nelson, I saw an email pop up that was from a landlord I had been waiting for.  I was so excited I started cheering.  And I had the funniest feeling and the clear sensation that God was telling me he appreciated my prayers and hard work, but he had a different time line in mind that would be better.  It's actually been good that we've been able to work on almost every weird thing that might be required of her while I'm here to help.  It's definitely a gift from God that I couldn't see.  Then the next day another email popped up from the other landlord I'd been waiting for.  In one short week she's had to open a house, close a house, sign up for utilities, cancel utilities, call a landlord about a problem, update Imos, update my spreadsheet, update info for the president, find a new inspector,  and a bunch of other stuff.  It's crazy but I can see God's hand in it.

Yesterday Chris and Elder Harrison had to go to the office for 4 hours for the yearly audit.  Then we went to Joplin to do phone audits.  We drove our own car.  They have a daughter who lives there so they went to visit her when we were done.  We went to the Precious Moments chapel and gift shop that is in the area.  It's kind of interesting.  We bought a Happy Anniversary Precious Moments because it was our anniversary yesterday, 47 years.

We went to church today in Anderson for the last time.  It was so nice and so hard.  They asked us to bear our testimonies.   That was sweet.  Lots of the members came and hugged us and asked us to come back and visit.  It was an emotional day. We will miss this beautiful part of the world.  We will miss hearing their testimonies and prayers in different languages and being reminded that God can understand all of us.   We will miss hearing their stories of conversion.
Goose parade outside the office window

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